
The male character I worked on in the “Biotech” Project.

The idea behind this character was to create a final fantasy inspired male character. Since we were creating a trailer that wasn’t going to have animation, I decided to pose it as well. I used ZBrush for this project.

I used ZSpheres to get a basic mesh that I could easily work on. Once I sculpted out the basic shape, I used ZRemesher so I could easily sculpt on the face without worrying about the bad topology for my brushes.

After that I extracted out the clothing and made it as close to the concept as possible.

For the hair I created strip of geometry which I just sculpted and duplicated across his head to achieve the effect I wanted.

For the clothing I extracted out from the body and used the standard brush to create the folds that I wanted.

When everything was done to the level I wanted, I posed it and fixed the errors which came about from using the posing tool in ZBrush. For the clothing I then used the standard brush to get the folds I desired.